There are four sections of this assessment, each with two sub-categories. Thoughtfully and honestly rank the strength and health of each area of your life currently.
Monitoring and controlling how and what you eat is not a priority for you.
You are aware that you should be doing a better job of being intentional about what you eat.
Monitoring and controlling the kinds of food you eat is a regular practice.
Food is fuel, and you are committed to only putting premium in your tank.
Exercise is not a part of your weekly rhythm. Your current physical condition is not good, and is a product of years of neglect.
Exercise is not a regular routine, but your current physical condition is not yet dire.
You exercise 2-3 times a week, but it is not optimized or specified to your physical goals.
You are sweating 4+ days a week and are clear about the path & results you are working on.
You are aware that you should be doing a better job of spending time connecting with God, but it’s not something that you do with any regularity.
Prayer, meditation and spiritual reading is a fairly regular part of your weekly routine. You enjoy and look forward to this part of your week.
Your week is not complete without intentional and deep connection with God. It is a part of who you are and what you do.
There is no time in your week for giving, self-disciplines or service. Outward spiritual commitments are not a priority for you.
You are aware that you should be doing a better job of being intentional about your outward spiritual habits,
Being intentional about your spiritual habits and commitments is a regular practice.
You are fully committed to pour your spirit into others and have intentional habits to do this regularly.
You put no intentional energy into developing relationships with friends.
You have some surface level acquaintances, but no one who knows you deeply or would be there for you in hard times
You have friends who you can confide in and share struggles with, but life often gets in the way of maintaining these relationships.
You have strong, authentic and real friendships. You talk weekly and make time for deeper in-person connection time monthly.
Your relationship with your spouse and kids is superficial and rigid. There is no love here.
While there are moments of intimacy and connection, most of the time, these relationships are pretty sterile.
You work to build healthy relationships with your spouse and kids, but sometimes you are just too busy.
People notice the respect and affection that your spouse gives you, and that your kids honor you and look forward to spending time in your presence.
I have no idea what value I bring to the world through my work.
I’m aware of what I’d like to be my area of expertise, but am not actively building my skills in this area.
I know what I want to be known for as a professional and am in the process of building my expertise in this area.
I’m good at what I do. People seek me out for help in my area of expertise, and I’m continuing to get better.
I’m underpaid for the work that I do and finances are an area that cause stress in my life.
I do get paid for my work, but money is still a challenge for me living my best life.
I’m able to communicate my value to the marketplace, and I am well-compensated for the value that I bring.
I am well compensated for my work, and I am financially secure. I’m able to invest the excess cash I have in other people, projects and dreams.